Monday 6 June 2016

Next Gen 01/06/16 Legal, Regulatory and Ethical Issues in Games, Animation and VFX

Cyber security was created to defend the worlds computers, networks, data and programs from digital attacks and unauthorized access. Multiple parties are required to keep the security up to date from new forms of cyber-attacks. Some of them are Network security, Information Security, Application Security and End-user education. This system helps stop these attacks but needs to keep evolving to protect the internet, an example is of DEDOS attacks.

Censorship is the suppression of speech and online communication that can be considered sensitive, offensive, harmful or politically correct. It can be carried out by the government as well as some private pressure groups. However it is mostly considered unconstitutional and foolish by the groups that enforce it.

Child protection on the internet can be interpreted as any form of protection that is for children for finding any explicit, violent and offensive content. Features such as a child lock on your computer and parental control software. Websites for the UK Safer Internet Centre have encouraged to protect and limit their kids on what they could go on the internet, teaching how to use systems such as monitors, locks timed access and content filters.

Age ratings (BBFC and PEGI) are the rating systems that are used for age resisting certain groups because of certain types of content. Some of this content can include: violence, gambling, sexually explicit, elements of horror and foul language. Both rating systems work together to show the buyer what type of game/DVD/Cartridge/Blu-Ray they are getting. This is applicable in the UK and Europe, in other locations however they use different systems (such as the ESRB in America). 

Environmental policies are statements by organisations for their intentions and principles in relation to the overall performance. This provides a framework for action and for the setting of its environmental objectives and targets. They are used to show a organisations commitment to improving its environmental performance, to communicate the motivation of the organisation, its beliefs and views and finally provide a framework for guiding organisations environmental improvements efforts.

Pixel gypsy is a website that was created with the purpose of helping the average internet user who has popular programs such as Photoshop and Microsoft Word, who need help understanding the program and what not to do should they have a virus in the system. This can also expand into other pieces of hardware, such as scanners and cameras. Other functions can include setting up a DVD of your photos, making a scrapbook and creating stickers.

Government subsidies can be seen as benefits given by the governments. These are usually in the form of money or a tax reduction. The subsidy is usually given to remove some type burden to an individual and are usually considered to be in the interest of the public. Politics can play a large part in the offering of a subsidy.

Fixed bid contracts are set contracts for the purpose of a set amount of work more a fixed amount of money. If you are more efficient at doing the work, you can make more money per hour of work done and less if you make mistakes or take to long.

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