Wednesday 23 September 2015

Catch up blog

Catch up blog

 The idea I had for the first game was a arena based fighting game between monsters of the sea and pirates (somewhat resembles the ship mechanics of assassins creed 3 and 4). It did not get to far.

 The final group decision was made on the group game demo. With the monkey and the girl idea finally going through. Some of the group has taken up certain jobs for the certain of the demo. It is great that we are making some progress with the demo. Even though the team is very ‘Stubborn’.  I am happy I did get the main idea across to the team and I did get some concept sketches for the presentation.
Right at the moment I am more confident with the coding rather than the art that the game requires.
My work could use more accuracy and planning for sticking with an idea rather than going off on random tangents. The pitch I gave did cover a majority of points; however it did ‘slide’ from one point to another and could have had more description on inspiration and the game demo was not close to the idea that was presented.
I can try to have done more work and preparation without worrying about the outcome of the idea (whether good or not). I worry too much about going too far for impossible goals or doing too little. 
The team communication was more like everyone was trying to praise all of the positives and the negatives of the game ideas and were not frequently asking questions to try to help the other members; the feedback was appreciated but could have been better.   
Started to create the first draft with the pitch with what information I had, as well as thinking of a few ideas to add if we have time and began to think of the designs that each of the levels will have.
However none of the work that has been set has been fully completed because of a lack of priority in the order of the tasks to create the game.
I could have had more work to do set by group because I was not doing too much in comparison to my teammates.
I have finalized the game controls and t finished the main points of the pitch. All of the work that I have set myself has been completed; now I am looking for additional jobs to help with the overall game and its presentation. I did help as well with some of the ideas for the sound design and the ending of the demo screen.
The time limits for the roles that all of the team took today were mostly finished (especially since it is a demo) the only thing that needs to be finished can be enemy animations the slideshow for the pitch and updating as much of the pitch as possible.
I have decided to constantly come up with new ideas ;so that ion the future I will be more prepared for upcoming project ideas and not to constantly fall back on other ideas that are not ready, or have been thought through.
The pitch could have gone better than it did. The team did not do enough rehearsal and as such some of the pitch did go out of order; along with the slideshow. Another point is that some of the group did not say their lines with the right attitude that was expected, because some of them spoke over what the next person was to say and they got confused and baffled. As well as that I was not made aware of some of the things in the pitch (including the demo and not including the monkey).
After using 3D modelling in 3Ds Max 2015for the first time it did go alright (for a beginner). I did however get stuck around half way in the process.  I am going to have to improve using this program.
After using flash for the first time it seem like an advanced version of paint. The tools seem more fluent and come easy to understand. The task of making my own face did work pretty well, however it was not as good in comparison to other drawings that the other class members made. Plus the eyes was absolutely the hardest thing to draw.

Then came the coding of the shapes and colours with the coding did go well for the first part (following the instructions) however the next part was more challenging because even though I knew how to change the code in the right places I could not properly create another image because of the positioning of the images with the coding. Only after multiple times did I create another somewhat representable image.
Today is when we started to come up with ideas to design a 3D world (first post) and why. I went with a Gothic setting of a street or a courtyard around 500 years ago. The other idea was an abandoned theme park, based on the Chernobyl incident. It did not go through and the class is working on a post apocalyptic version of the arts academy (the building we are based in). So far the contribution I have done the floor plan of the second floor and identified what rooms the group will design and what rooms the 'player' can and can't access (the finished image will not work for the blog). The floor plans were fully completed with full colour coordinated areas with a key to see what rooms and corridors should be used in the final design. As well as that I gathered a few quarantine ideas for the modellers to use (including images from dead space), they are used as a form of contamination deterrent and warning. Although it is unclear if the group will include the idea. 
As for the  adobe flash game with half the class the progress for that was slow (epically for the second section). The idea was to make the game based on the idea was that some one had just ended up in purgatory; their choices would determine if they would go to either Heaven or Hell and what ending they would get with 'humanity'. However even though the designs were good and the idea was set the progress began to degrade. I gave the group points to finalize the story and add a few extra ideas that were not added; such as whether or not to heal or kill a puppy.

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