Considering that the main models have been finished last week, I have been working on the texturing for all of the objects of the model. Since last time I have found a good texture to use as a Stencil in Mudbox. Considering that spaceships have hulls that are made up with multiple plates, this fits the design fairly well. Plus it was a lot easier than sculpting all of these tiny plates on the models (like last time I tried). I have used this stencil on all of the objects for main star fighter.
I have also learned that you could isolate faces in Mudbox. This is useful if you don't want overflowing of colour onto the connected polygons. You can do this by right clicking onto the object (you have to select the object or faces first).

I have added a lighting effect on the cockpit window and addition engine front vents. I did this by creating a diffuse layer of bright orange before adding a incandescence layer of the same colour and tint, then blurring the edges of the colour for a glowing effect close by.

Another idea I had was to increase the amount of polys for the separate objects. When I tried the same result occurred when I did the same to typewriter body (the edges all curled inwards that made it look disfigured), so for now I have decided not to sculpt the objects. It will be an extra goal if the rest of the project is finished.
As a side note, I am replacing the bronze with a silver so the colour seems more "sleek" (by the way, the images you see now are not rendered).

My only problem with texturing these objects are that you can see some of the texture be in jagged lines (the main body cockpit window), I believe that it is from the polygons not being UV'ed in the right direction after more polygons were added to the UV shells. I don't think that I can change the poly's this late in production but is a goal I can look into later.
This week is my final time for completing my models for the project(first version) by Friday.
As for the rest of the team, Conor has finished almost all of the coding for the game, Jacob has finished all of his VFX work and wants more to do and I still am not sure what Gabriel does these days. Aside from scrums to tell our progress we don;t socialise because we are busy (mostly) with our work. We do seem to work well as individuals in a team but other than that, I am not sure. My main ways of communicating with my team is to see if they have any errors and changes that they want me to make with my portion of the work.
Considering that I learned more in my software and learned from my mistakes in work flow, I would say that this project has helped me. This will still be the core of my work for the next five weeks. My main goal is to finished texturing the model objects bring them into Maya to render them.