Tuesday 6 October 2015

Next gen 22/09/15

Today I finished four separate sketches of quarantine symbols and two smaller sketches of quarantine tape as well as getting a few extra images for how the areas would look. However some of the ideas I have been working on has been threatened to be excluded from the finished project; I am going to have to reason with the 'leaders' to include the idea, even if it is as minuscule as possible. Also the floor plan i designed has been slightly altered to make the project easier. After the sketches are finished I will begin to develop them further in 3Ds Max basically. Since most of the class was doing their own model and sketches it was a quiet day. My drawing skills do need some improvement compared to what it should be at this point in time. I did not get much of a chance on 3Ds max compared to the other class members.
On the 3Ds max modeling sheet I also choose to have (as well as the quarantine) the vending machine I have to take a few images of the machine first before I start work.

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