Thursday 29 October 2015

Next Gen 30/10/15

Over the past few weeks the only things that I have really done is continue with the modelling process of the 3D world we have begun to create (models that include the vending machine (finished) the quarantine section ( in progress ) and the completed back staircase, (however since no one else has taken the other stair models I will most likely do them as well).

The other thing is that since we will be getting 'Unity' the class will no longer need the coding software we were using to do any coding. As of now I will try to use other programs as well as unity to understand coding more; I will also do the same for modeling since I have noticed other uses of the program that I was not shown.

In other news, since we are going to be using unity (in a new group) we have come up with, basically dog simulator (even though we found a Indy go go version that we discovered within  two days after wards) and have been drawing out the landscape, the city you are in and the dog itself. We have been doing all of this in 3Ds Max. I was doing the dog, which has been the toughest model I have made yet  (to live up to the groups standards) and also began to model a broken down bus. As well as that the stair case has to be the most tedious model  I have made. Measuring stairs and taking pictures of the stairs has to be the most mind numbing thing I have done in a long time.

So far the group has been communicating well with each other, however the group still has not got an idea of what the final game should be since it is being constantly altered.

Also since this is now the half term Matty and Ant have asked for the models we have been designing to be finished, however the program '3Ds Max' is not applicable with my laptop (no idea why); and I have tried the computers in then Learning center and they are not applicable either. So I have no idea of how to finish the models (including the fact that the room I work in was of limits when I went there (28/10/15)).

As a side note they asked us to have a small post on what horror game is our favorite (Halloween). Since I don't play many horror games it would be either Dead Space (the first one) or Alien Isolation.

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