Tuesday 10 November 2015

Next Gen 10/11/15

Yesterday was the first time that the pressure properly came down; we made a model of our choice under time constraints (70 mins of modelling, 30 mins of unwrapping the model and another 30 mins to texture the model). I choose to made a power hand drill. I originally choose a film camera however I am not good with circular modelling.

As you can tell from the model it could have been better modeled because the time constraint got to me. The unwrapping went alright however the texturing went badly because when the textures were applied it  looked pretty bad. The reason for this is that we get some of our textures from textures.com. You need a account for it and after I applied it didn't go through. So I tried again yesterday and the same issue occurred.
After properly looking at the model there were a few errors with the model itself, such as  I had to use simple tools in Photoshop to create the textures that looked awful and some of the polygons .  This model will be the first of a few projects to go in my portfolio to show I can use the program.

In other news, both new programs we have been issued (Unity 5.2 and Unreal Engine) have proved to be much more advanced than the previous programs; this makes them more complicated to use with more functionality. Still the coding for me is still an issue and have not seen much improvement, I have looked at  the tutorials for Untiy and it did explain the usage of the code you put in, but my problem is what code to put in and in what order for it to make sense.

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