Monday 30 November 2015

Next Gen 26/11/15 Presentation Overview

Over the last few days the group has been working to finish 'Lost Dog Simulator', the Unity project. Yesterday it was ready for presentation. We (like the rest of the class) presented the game in front of everyone to get feed back and as a trial before 'Stephen Hay' for EA arrives today.

The things that I contributed to this project was some of the programming and some of the models that will be used in the final game. The programming that I did was the mini map in the corner of the map and creating the enemy AI. The AI is not that smart but it will follow the player and aggro in a certain range and try to kill the player unless the player gets to a certain distance. The models I made was the original version of the dog and a few models found throughout the world such as the broken down bus and a basic hedge. The other ting I tried to create was an objective way-point but that proved much more challenging than I thought and it was not finished. Caitlin was programming other things, Edin was the Lead modeler, Robyn was lead Artist and creative director, Connor was  in-charge of gameplay and putting the assets together and Daniel was in-charge of Level design.

The first presentation went pretty well (defiantly better than our first presentation in October) although some improvements could have been made. My criticisms were that at the end of my speaking part I was caught of guard and fumbled, then walked off. So basically do not do that fumble again.

After the first run through some of the slides have been improved, more lines have been given and more time was given to rehearse what we have done. However Caitlin left us to do the presentation with one less member. We will have to improvise with what we need to say and who will say it.

*Update: From the response that was given to us from Stephen (the executive from EA) and Matty after the presentation it went really well, no flops occurred from anyone and the concept was well received (I'm glad I did not fumble like last time).  Some of  the criticisms that we had were that: the audience for the game should be aged at a elder audience (40 upwards) because these days kids have technology; pets would be more relatable to this audience and the fact that the game did look rather bland compared to other presentations.

As a side point Matty asked us to make a basic model and texture it, a lot of the group still has problems with texture. As for me i decided to make a chest model. I have UV mapped it and are currently texturing it, but having problems with using this model with the low Polly art style that my team wants to use.

Another point to make is that before the presentations the team had me work on a way-point system for Unity. However it did not get finished (no where near), so it really fizzled out fast. It was easily the most confusing thing in coding i have looked up yet.

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