Friday 4 December 2015

Next Gen 03/12/15

The progress I have made in modeling this week was fairly miniature compared to other weeks. I have fully UV'ed the model of the vending machine (which consisted of far to many polygons than I thought) and beginning to texture the chest model. However the save file for the texture was wrong and so the texture had to be restarted. Another point is that I have been watching a few tutorials from 'Igor Aherne'; his tutorials have taught me a few extra tricks to use in 3ds Max (such as combining objects together, making objects with moving doors (such as chests and doors) and moving insets and extrudes on polygons).
For coding, the program we use (c#), was not currently working. However with the online tutorials given to us I have recorded some of the code required to make the classic game 'Asteroids'.
For the industry, we were taught to use terminology in our work, such as: Ngon (a polygon that contains more than four edges), Edge (a line that connects two vertices together), Bump Map (a grey/white/black image that gives an illusion of depth by manipulating the geometry of light on the object) and topology (the flow of edges,vertices and polygons around a model).

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