Monday 28 March 2016

Next Gen 18/03/16 Modeling

(Note) I got food poisoning for two days. So I was not in for one day of lectures and missed some work I am not aware of.

Since this week was more open with what we were doing, we continued with what modeling and coding of what we were doing last week. The main modeling work that I did was to fully finish the UV mapping of the model I was doing.

Something that I found out was that this button called the 'isolation toggle' removes all of the shapes in the model besides the one that you are currently editing. This allows you to edit shapes without being blocked by other shapes in the model. Also for texturing sake, the more shapes the better, because it allows for more space for high quality texturing.

The only other thing I did with modelling was that a while ago, I had made a basic model of a power drill. Recently I have updated the model. From the image on the left to the image on the right to show some of the learned skills in my 3D modeling. I am very happy with the updated result, this will be the model I occasionally update to show how well I can update my models and show my progress. The only other thing I could do is update the textures, however without Photoshop (because of Easter holiday) I don't know what to do about that. The next small model I try to make will be a form of a face.

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