Sunday 10 April 2016

Next Gen 21/03/16 VFX Job Roles

Compositor: They are responsible for taking all of the assets that all of the other departments have created and combine them together to form the final product. They usually work in 2D roles with 3D CGI and VFX and occasionally stop motion. You will most likely be entered at a Roto artist and work your way up the ranks.
Skills required are:
  • Knowledge in computer animation processes
  • Artistic skills
  • Preferably Minimum experience of 2 years
  • Knowledge in programs such as Adobe After Effects 
Good education for this role include having a degree in a art related subject (including animation, design, drawing and photography).

Concept Artist: They generally come up with visual ideas of spectacles, creatures,  people and other elements, they generally work on larger production movies. They are also a large amount of these artists to throw around more ideas. The concepts are generally used at the beginning of post production. If the project is based on a source material they will read over the material to have a idea of what is wanted. They can also be involved in development processes because of illustrations.
Skills required are:
  • Able to use illustration software 
  • Able to adapt your drawings into filming
  • Understanding what other departments require from your work
  • An interest in design, film and architecture 
Good education for this role would be, an art focused course (such as graphic artist or graphic artist) or qualification in visual effects or animation.

Layout  Artist (3D Computer Animation): This role usually turns 2d shot plans and storyboards into 3D shots, generally using props and models to have an idea of how the shot should play out in each scene. Not just the characters but the background models and the props. They generally work with the Director and Storyboard artists to achieve the shot without cause any problems with the other members of the crew. They can also be called upon to be technical directors and
Lighting Technical Director or a Camera operator.
Skills required are:
  • Have strong IT skills
  • An understanding of editing
  • Able to deliver on deadlines
  • Able to work with a minimum of supervision
  • Can apply motion capture to computer generated models
  • Be highly film literate and see to the needs of production
  • Understands the ideas of cinematography 
Good education for this role would be having a degree in illustration, fine art and sculpture, and have experience in computer design and film production.

Match Move Artist(AKA Move Trackers and 3D Trackers): This job is usually translating a visual/live action shot into a 3D shot. They position tracking points in the visual shot so that they have something to base the animation of off. The role mainly focuses on using already shot footage and implementing special effects. They will most likely use programs such as Maya/Maya Live and Equaliser.
Skills required are:
  • Able to work under stress and meet deadlines
  • Able to take and understand criticism
  • Understanding of relevant recent 3d software
  • An understanding of Maths and Physics
Good education for this job would be, to have a degree in computer graphics and animation and a maths degree.

Roto Artist: This job involves tracking and identifying the frames in live action shots, where animation will overlap or come into play (Rotoscoping).  This allows a area of the shot that animation can be added into accurately without it seeming fake. However the compositors are the ones who add the elements. Other duties they have can be, grading live action plates and painting out wires and rigs.
Skills required are:
  • An understanding of art and/or photography
  • Competent drawing skills
  • Have a good eye for inaccurate images and frames
  • Experience in relevant software
Good education for this role would be, a degree in either art, animation or illustration. 

VFX Producer: The role of a producer is to oversee the project; making sure everything is progressing. The is includes making sure that nothing goes over-budget, everything meets deadlines and everything is working correctly. They may also be called upon to talk with clients about the progress.
Skills required are:
  • A long history of working in VFX
  • Have great leadership skills
  • Able to budget projects well
  • Be confident in your decisions
Good education for this job is, having a degree in animation and/or maths. A professional usage of Nuke.

Runners/Production Assistant: This entry level job mainly involves keeping the production moving, which means they mainly move around information from one department to another, get resources for artists or simply getting beverages.
Skills required are:
  • Being tidy and efficient
  • Being able to work under pressure
  • Able to respond to requests efficiently
You really don't require any degrees or tutor-age for a runner placement. The only thing that increases your chance of being selected is by having a degree in some related VFX field.

VFX Supervisor: The run-down for this job is that, a VFX supervisor will decide when a VFX shot will be put into a shot. Making sure all of the shots that are needed are filmed properly so the editing process will be easier. They also lead a team of technical artists in the visual studio. Finally they are the ones who allow the producer and director to meet at what the product should end up being.
Skills required are:
  • To be creative and able to modify ideas 
  • Able to lead a team of artist
  • Have design, layout and composition skills
  • Able to work with all departments
  • Having admirable leadership skills
  • Able to assess and criticise other peoples work
  • Having a professional skills in relevant software (including Maya, Nuke and/or Cinema 4d)
  • On set experience and strong negotiation skills
Good education for this role, having degrees in science, animation, arts and technology. Although you need to have a lot of experience in the VFX industry to even be considered for the role. 

CG Supervisor: This job involves leading and watching over a group of CG artists (that deal in either animation or visual effects).
The skills required are:
  • Understanding the VFX process
  • Having experience with relevant recent software including Maya and Nuke
  • Technical knowledge of the CG pipeline and can evolve workflows 
  • Exceptional product management skills
Good education to have for this role would be, having previous experience with recruiting, being a mentor and training other CG artists.

Rigger: A rigger is more of a engineering role because, they build up rigs for the production. Depending on the size of the production they can also be asked to build much larger structures (including floors, scaffolding towers and pavements). They are also responsible for more electronic props (such as wires and fibre optics). They must also be able to install powered hoists and use power tools.
Skills required are:
  • Knowledge in the concept of rigging
  • Have good co-ordination and stamina
  • Comfortable with working at heights
  • Be prepared to work long shifts
  • Able to work both independently and socially
Good education for this role can be, a few years with a qualified scaffolding company, extensive knowledge with health and safety regulations related to rigging. It is also a requirement to have a drivers Licence. 

Animation Director: This director is responsible for making sure that the animation for the project gets gone for the deadlines, by assigning he right animators for different roles in the department. This role is mainly for larger productions, if is not the role can be combined with the director. Since they lead the team of animators, they will oversee any and all work produced by the other animators. They also need to keep the animation focused in quality, style and performance.
Skills required are:
  • Have years of experience in the animation industry
  • Able to help the team come to compromises with what they want without adding to the project budget
  • Able to work as a creative lead supervisor of the team
  • Able to communicate ideas easily to the animation department
Good education for this role would be, having a art and/or animation degree. You will also be required to show major leadership skills and have extensive knowledge in the animation industry. Considering that this is a leadership role it will take (most likely) years to get to with the requirements.

Crowd Artist: A crowd artist is someone who knows an equilibrium between design, development and implementation to use simulation systems and techniques and create a crowd shot and evolve into crowd simulations. The are responsible for integrating techniques and systems in the production pipelines, collaborating between  various departments to make the shot easier across multiple shots and having a secondary function of scripting.
The skills that are required are:
  • Knowledge of programs such as Maya and Houdini
  • Knowledge of Vector Maths and Physics
  • Able to take direction and adapt to change
  • A good eye for natural motion in humans and animals
Good experience for this job would be: knowing rigging, minimum of 1-2 years in the industry, previously used Python, Hscript and VEX, a understanding of of the production line and processes and have previously done projects that involve this kind of work.

Texture Painter: This role is about producing photo realistic textures from scratch and sources to base of off, from the beginning to the end of the pipeline. Responsibilities for this role would be working closely with lighting and modelling artists to create the textures more accurately,
Skills required are:
  • Complete certain tasks and complex sequences in a moderate time frame
  • Be able to take and give criticism to other artists
  • Used photographic elements to create textures
  • Have used elements such as lighting and shading 
Good education for this can be: having a understanding of the relationship between departments, have used programs such as Mari, Photoshop and XSI, have used UV's previously and are able to report any technical issues to superiors before it becomes a major issue down the pipeline. 

Motion Capture Artist: This role works close with the directors, actors and animators in pre-production. They create computer generated characters who act and behave like real-life equivalent. Many examples exist such as the aliens from "District 9". These artists are responsible for the shots containing the MoCap, the artists movements and behaviors and compiling it into a 3D program to be rendered and applied to character models. Everything extra (such as extra limbs, hair and clothing) are all added after the shot is filmed and rendered. 
Skills that are needed will be: 
  • Some form of experience with graphic design and/or animation programs
  • Able to translate fine art into digital programs
  • Being familiar with the most up to date programs that people use
  • A skilled technician and a experienced artist 
Good education would be: experience in the industry for around 2 years, can explain and use the most up to date relevant programs and have done other jobs in the industry that help and accelerate the process. 

Public Relations Officer: This job is about maintaining a reputation for a client and their business, as well as influencing others of their opinions and behaviour. They also bridge the gap between the public and the organisation, finding any issues, keeping up publicity and to uphold the expectations of shareholders. They are required to report any and all issues and progress to their management. Other responsibilities include: market research, liaising with colleagues, writing and editing case studies and annual reports and maintaining information about the organisations website. 
Skills that are needed for this profession are:

  • Having experience in the field of business and knowledge of recent affairs
  • Having  organisational and management skills and/or able to effectively multi-task
  • Being competent, flexible and are able to learn from our mistakes
  • Able to work in a team or by yourself
Good education for this job would be having a degree in either marketing, politics and social sciences and have been associated with the CIPR (Chartered Institute of Public Relations).

Effects Technical Director: This role is all about creating the special effects with systems that they are comfortable using. They use multiple resources to have an idea to what to create.  They will generally work closely with the director and VFX supervisors to having the image that they want as well. They are required to understand and breakdown 3D software to get what is required, because what VFX supervisors want can be incredibly complex (which can require some programming). 
Skills that are needed are:
  • Understanding of the technologies relating to 2D and 3D CGI
  • Understand rigid body simulations (clothing, fluids and clothing)
  • Managing your priorities to go through the VFX pipeline
  • Able to take direction and critical feedback
  • Able to work well with a team
Good education for getting this role would be having a training course with a private professional, having a junior role as a rigger, runner and preparation or other qualifications with science, art and /or Maths.

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