Sunday 10 April 2016

Next Gen 22/03/16 University Searches

Computer Science (3 Years) Game Engineering 
A levels of AAB-ABB/AAC or IB points of 34-35
Computer Science (4 Years) Game Engineering 
A levels of AAB or IB points of 35
These courses focus on the technical design, development and implementation of software that goes into the game, rather than the artistic element of the games. Including gaming simulations and computer game development.
Industry Links 
Waterstons, Accenture, IBM, Procter and Gamble, Deloitte, GSK.
The facilities include over 300 dedicated PC's running Linux and Windows, an 'Immersive virtual reality suite', motion capture and 3D printing facilities. 
You do the same module for two years before specializing in one part of the degree. 
You will be given a personal tutor throughout your degree and a peer mentor for the first year. 
It is assessed through group work and the portfolio you fill.
Computer Games Animation (3 Years or 4 including work placement) It also has a foundation year for those who do not qualify
Cost of £9,000
A good offer is usually two A Levels or equivalent.
This course is an in depth look at the creative and technical issues involved in large scale levels for PC and Consoles in both 3D and 2D.  For the first year you study concept visualization, design and mechanics, history of games, intro to 3D modeling and introduction to animation for games. Year 2 includes The Journeymen Project, Motion Capture, Cut-sequence Design for Games and Non-bipedal Animation for Games. Finally advanced animation, advanced game development, advanced studies in games and a full game practical project.
You are assessed through your experience with the software, projects in each module, and your portfolio.
Computer Games Design (3 Years or 4 including work placement) It also has a foundation year for those who do not qualify, however it is limited
Cost of £9,000
A good offer is usually two A Levels or equivalent.
This course is about designing the rules and structure of games, as well as understanding the roles that each specialist has to work together to create games. You also study game engines and industry technologies. For the first year modules, you learn the history of games, intro to 3D modeling, intro to animation for games, concept visualization for games and game design and mechanics. The second year is casual game development, game design and production, the 'Journeyman Project', Level design and production for games, casual game development, games design and production and Lighting and Texturing for games. Final year would be advanced games development, games interface design, games practical project and contemporary studies in games.
You are assessed through your experience with the software, projects in each module, and your portfolio.

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