Monday 25 April 2016

Next Gen 23/04/16 VFX Maya Shot

Considering that we have been working on our 3D models and texturing for the last few weeks, all progress for the portfolio has been increased because of the deadline in 3 weeks. The shot in Maya has been a priority recently.

The VFX work for the shot has been finished. I was considering the blocks to move at 1 frame intervals with a gap of 4 frames. This would have made the blocks falling look more like the blocks in the game. The problem was it was incredibly unappealing and hard for my eyes to track at such a fast pace. So the drop rate is at around 12 frames for one block to make it to its destination. One thing I am happy with is the blocks do not clip and the position for the blocks to fall in tangent to the background clip is done. The only main issue I have now is the fact that the animation maybe to fast for the clip, also the fact that the locks are a different colour than the blocks in the clip (as a side note).

The only thing I know that I can fix without restarting is to slow down the animation at points to match the clip. However if I fix the colour the he models will be reset and I will have to do the whole animation again.

A major issue that I had was that once the clip had rendered, the clip was constantly in my frame of view and I forgot how to move it. Finding the objects, while only allowed to see 2 inches in-front of you was annoying; fortunately I was able to find it again and align it well.

Once the frame rate has been reduced the shot should almost be finished.

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