Tuesday 9 May 2017

SSCS Alien Starfighter Model Update

Since the deadline is starting to creep closer everyday. I have had to stop and reevaluate the state of work for my part of the Synoptic Project. While the Main player star-fighter only needs tweaking, the main enemies need to be finished. I did finish the model and finished UV unwrapping a while ago, however it needs texturing and then baking.

After looking through a few concept designs, I have learned that alien ships have 3 defining characteristics: they look either organic, pieces of metal being gravitationally bound (like the Prometheans form halo 4+5) or being as lit up as a disco ball because of glowing lights. So since lighting is the simplest one to get right I went with that.

For a while I was still not to sure what colour scheme to use, I originally wanted a main purple and secondary green.  However I have gone with a silver and green colour scheme. I got the idea from the "Xcom" plasma weapons. I have tried to make the placement of the colours seem meaningful, to show how the ship can function (and to make it appear cool). The silver is kind of a no-brainer for a colour palette. As for the green though, it has a uneasiness about it; as it has always been associated with alien life. Not to mention it contrasts the player Starfighter (who I made glowing orange).

The green spots were achieved by creating an incandescence layer and making the colour very light green. Around the edges I used the blur tool not just to smooth the edges of the paint out, but to add glow around the green light. Something I am happy with however is the addition of a tint of blue on the main cannons. Instead of the model being entirely glowing green I made the weapons glow blue instead; I think it looks nice. The way that I did it was have 5 separate shades of colour between green and blue and then blur the edges of the colours together. The only improvement right now I can think of is to get the colour at points to look brighter.

My main tasks now are to clean up the textures for my current objects and to put together the the starship by the end of this week.

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