Wednesday 20 January 2016

Next Gen 20/01/16 Gaming and VFX Industry

Virtual Reality 

Recently more news has arrived on the VR projects from some of the major companies. The ones this time are Microsoft's Holo-Lens and Nintendo supporting VR.
Firstly Nintendo; as most know their new console the NX was made to be a replacement for the lowest selling console of the 8th generation of consoles, the WIIU. However all of the other major companies support the new virtual reality craze while Nintendo does not, and since that nintendo is having a rough go at gaming lately it might be worth for them to invest. Since we all know that vr headsets are going to be ridiculously expensive and games for them at first will most likely be simple games to show the technologies abilities. Since Nintendo does have a tendency to reach more markets than their competitors (Sony in Europe in Asia and Microsoft in America and Australia) if they have a better deal for virtual reality it will be incredibly successful because it is very trendy right now. If they wait it could be a missed opportunity.
Next Microsoft's Holo-Lens might have been crippled at release because of its low battery life, at around 5 hours. Since it has also been announced that they have no intention of releasing a wired version people can use for a full day session.

Sony Censoring "Let's Play's"

As of January 2016, Sony has attempted to get the term "Lets Play" under their name. Just like when Nintendo tried to censor their content online by their community; the internet has been daring Sony to make this happen. They have been declined the first time but they can still appeal for the legal qualification. It is like;y that wanted this because of the massive increase of popularity with their company after the PlayStation 4 was released and trying to censor Microsoft and Nintendo from this Internet form. If Sony got the right to the term, they could legally sue any person who made a video with the term Let's Play; with no legal battle. This can turn out horribly for gamers and ruin Sony's brand for a while.

VFX Rally to Fix the Industry

On 13th January 2016, over 400 people attended a VFX meeting in Regent Hall, Oxford Street. Once again this is a testimate to the efforts that the VFX community will go to, too change the filming industry. This is a reflection of the rally that occurred 3 years ago for the same reason. After the massive outcry from the Rhythm and Hues from the theatrical release of "Life of PI" many in VFX work went out in protest and it has never been the same since. This is another trend that will endure until the industry does something about it.

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