Monday 29 February 2016

Next Gen 25/02/16 VFX Industry

This week the main work was about the pipeline that a lot of VFX movies go down. From pre to post production. The movie we looked at for this trend was Mad Max Fury Road. We were also set work to look up articles on the VFX . Some of the results I found were that the crew did mostly visual effects but in over 2000 shots of the movie had added visual effects. Main effects were the: metallic arm and stump, the night time portion and the toxic/nuclear sand storm.

The visual effects supervisor Andrew Jackson guided the film crew on what should and what not should be cg. A lot of the models in the movie are only cg but were made through "Photoscans". These models include the citadel, many cars and particle effects from sand and dust. As for the pipeline, some of the assets that are completed before including research and development, pre-visualization and beginning the modelling process. During the film LIDAR, dynamic range photos, reference photos and film scans. In post production, that is were most of the work of VFX comes in play. In the section the work can include: texturing, rigging, rotoscoping, grading, animation, effects animation, look development, element shoots and composting.

We will be expected to do a assignment on using all of the steps in the pipeline on a self made shot in Maya and with what we are not aloud to do (since we don't have a budget) we have describe what we would have done and what we could learn from in the future.

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