Friday 4 November 2016

An Odd Technique in Illustrator 15/10/16

 This week we tried a new way of creating concept art ideas. The way that this worked is we created a image (in our case a rock) that we used like a brush to create an image.

To start (we did this in Photoshop), I used the lasso tool to create a random polygon. I then filled it with grey. Then I split it down the middle to split into a lighter and darker grey to signify the light and shadow on the rock.  To enforce this I then took a small brush and made it white. I then drew all across the lighter gray.

On the other side I drew across the darker side for cracks on the shadow side.

This way that I drew this gives the impression of one of the slender posters form the horror trend from 2011-2013, because of the styles in both images.

After creating the rock and transferring it into a brush I then went on to create a layer by layer image using this brush. The image on the left is what I created. This is all created with the brush transferred from the rock image. The different layers are represented by the brightness of the paintbrush and the brushes opacity. They did not given an idea of what to create however.

The final point was to colour the image
The purpose of this exercise was to try to work with the tools in illustrator, considering that the animation and gaming industry use a large variety of programs and learning as many as possible is impeccable.

The main improvement that I could have done is what the final image appeared to be, even though it can be seen as nothing more than interpretation, The task itself however, ignores all of the detail in the first image.

Once again I don't know how this will be relevant with the rest of the course aside from using tools in certain ways.

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