Friday 18 November 2016

The Beginning of the Environment Design Project and Plan

If you don't know we are starting a 3d environment project. The theme for this is mixing Norse Mythology and Future Technology. The first stage for this is to create concept images and thumbnails for ideas in the final environment.

This is a very difficult theme to do, without making it seem to be a Norse concept and shoehorning in technology for the sake of it. So it took me some time to get a way around this problem.
Before the development of the major project, the main work that I have done is to make thumbnails of ideas that I want to include and the first version of the environment that I want to create. I will have to finish those thumbnails nails in the next few days.

The end goal of what I am going to do for this project is to create a few 2d environmental images and landscapes, while creating a few 3d assets based of the thumbnail ideas that I have done. Considering that this task seems to be given extra points for the variety in the final project, I am hoping that this will pay off. The deadline is on the 30th of this month, I hope I can get this done with juggling everything else at the same time.

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