Sunday 6 November 2016

Preparing for Environment Design 02/11/16

To prepare for the major environment design for the 30th November, we began to use Mudbox again for a few small projects to prepare for the major task.

The task is too create an 3D environment in Maya or Max based on a theme. The theme that we were given was Norse mythology mixed with future technology.  I have a few ideas of what to do for the project. Even though it is a very difficult thing to connect together without it being a mess.

To practise Mudbox we created a rock... Sounds kind of stupid but in a way it works. The way that this worked is by using most of the major tools to create the mesh, but the texture was created by using the paint brush and adding stencils on the mesh, this adds a texture onto the mesh. We found our own textures to 'stamp' on the mesh.

The texturing works the same as in most other drawing programs with layers with your textures. You can also add extra detail with stamps for small cracks and eroded rock.

The only other point is that since this only a model that will not be used in a scene is that I can add as many layers of polys that I want, the more mesh layers you have the smoother it looks and the tools seem to look better as they carve into the mesh however it takes more processing power to not lose frame rate or freeze the system. Finally, considering that there is no wrong answer for creating this I did not find anything difficult , so it is just using the tools in the future.

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