Monday 9 May 2016

Next Gen 02/05/16 Personality Type and SWOT

Over a few days I have took a few personality tests from different sources. The first test I took was the Myers Briggs Personality Test. If you didn't know, the origin of this test was to find out what jobs women should choose in the work force, during World War 2. Since then, it is used today for many people, helping them finding the best way to analyse situation and to find the best way to plan out their work and research.

The test lead me to be a "ISTP". This means that I am an Action-oriented, logical, analytical, spontaneous, reserved and independent. I enjoy adventure, skilled at understanding how mechanical things work.

Then, I took two more tests a Visual DNA Who Am I and Personality Quiz. These quizzes were based of of answers/images that were shown immediately after each answer, it asked you to respond as quickly as possible and not dawn on your thoughts, making the answers based on your instincts, rather than logic. These were my results.

The next quiz I took was the Honey and Mumford test. This test is based around 80 questions, whether you say that they are right or wrong shows how well you fit into four separate categories. The result that I got off of, is that "very strong preference for the categories of theorist, reflector and pragmatist while a moderate preference for activist".

Each category has different applications: Firstly, Activists learn better with being set hard tasks, involved with news experiences, working in teams and leading discussions, Secondly, Reflectors learn better with observing others, reports on tasks with deadlines and reviewing, Thirdly, Theorists learn better when they complete complex situations with logic, question ideas and are interested in concepts that may not be relevant at the time, Finally, Pragmatists learn best they have a chance to use new techniques, shown a model they copy and a link between the topic and job.

Based on all of the results from these quizzes and tests, I then put together a SWOT analysis of the results, to determine what my personality is more accurately and how to apply it in my research and work.

  • Thinking through problems before I execute them
  • I prefer straight forward answers rather than theorising
  • Maintain strong relationships with the few I have
  • I can make those hard decisions, even if it does not help both sides
  • A sense of Scepticism and a strong resolve
  • I like the simple things in life, rather than finding excitement outside
  • I like to be competitive and value privacy and respect highly
  • I have fairly strict beliefs about right and wrong
  • I work on the smallest details to improve the project in every aspect
  • Once I am focused, I desire to finish a task to completion
  • I set my sights high from the begginig to make the project potentionally better
  • I can take tasks to the extreme being a workaholic (when interesed)
  • I react intensively to events that linger for a time
  • Considering that I am a realist, I can have a very narrow point of view of others perspectives
  • I like to ignore my problems and move on to something else, until the problems keep piling up
  • Can lack creativity at times
  • I have a lazy personality, so I do my work well but at a slow pace
  • Can sometimes be clumsy
  • I am mostly reserved with my opinions and ideas, so I am not the best with synergy
  • I have completed both English and Maths above C's
  • I have knowledge on the past of the animation and gaming industry
  • I have done a multitude of tasks that is done in the industry (modelling, VFX shots, animation (MAYA) sketching and coding
  • I have had knowledge from profestionals from Animex
  • I can't focus on a singular task that I am not invested in
  • I feel that I am isolated at points
  • I do not know what to choose 
  • I don't have any connections in the industry yet
  • I am scared at times of how high I should aim to be and how much work I need to put into my career to succed

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