Tuesday 17 May 2016

Next Gen 12/05/16 Model and Quick Concept Art Update

Considering that our idea did not get through in the recent presentations, we have begun to work on a game idea to complete in 2 weeks. The idea is a kart racer featuring ducks in a bathtub, it is called "Quacky Racers".

My job was to create a few models for the game. I took two models, the taps and a scrubber. However since they did not specify what type of scrubber they wanted, I started on the taps, the main idea was too create one and then copy it in the game engine.

The model itself was 8 separate objects combining to create the full model, I feel that it is very accurate. However when it comes to the textures there was an issue (as you can see in the image). The textures have cuts in them. The reason for this is not the texture, but the UMV mapping (I think). A way around this is not having any gaps between the polygons in the mapping, or overlapping the ends of the mapping. As you can see not all of the polygons in the image suffer the same cutting because they were grouped together. As shown in the other image the end of the tap has not cutting on its side or front. Round objects however are incredibly difficult because they will not match together in UMV mapping.

 As a quick update, I drew a sketch 2 months ago and finally finished the drawing in Photoshop. The final thing I need to do, would be to colour in parts of the drawing. Either that or it is finished.

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