Tuesday 17 May 2016

Next Gen 14/05/16 Presentation History

I have taken part in three separate presentations. At the start of the year I did a presentation for a starter project of starting a game. All three of them were about putting forward a game idea. The first one was a 2D sidescroller about a little girl and her friend monkey. Considering that this was our first presentation it was a 50/50 split of quality. Most of the slides were filled with text and some of what we talked about was not too interesting to talk about. the positives were however that the way we issued the information was good and the information that we used was relevant to what we wanted. I myself had a fair share of information to say in the presentation.

The next one was for "Lost Dog Simulator", this one was in-front of an EA advertisement executive. This presentation was the one that I personally received the most praise and criticism for. This was an idea of a 3d open world game were you play as a dog trying to return home. The presentation itself was done quite well and got 2nd place out of 8 spots.

The final and most recent one was for "Space Pirates". Not sure what the results were though. The reason that this project did not go through was because what we proposed was far to ambitious to complete within a few weeks.

The reason that I was speaking in the Orbital Panic presentation was to introduce how the game would flow, how the controls would feel and what the inspiration for the game style was from. For the Space Pirate presentation it was a few ideas and sketches that I made to show how some of the screens of the game would look like and how the gameplay would work within the area of the game. Finally, for the Lost Dog Simulator I was the one who introduced the game and it struck the audience and was able to hold their attention and emphasised the intrigue of the game to introduce the premise and how the style was used. Other points were that I created a few aesthetic models (around 10) for the game, for the scenery. For all of the pitches that I took part in I did not require any reading material and applied some of the elements with others to see how they can work together.

Google Drive Slide Shows
URL to the Google Drive Space Presentation
URL to the Google Drive Dog Presentation
URL to the Google Drive Priate Presentation

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