Sunday 29 May 2016

Next Gen 21/05/16 Adobe Flash

We recently started to use Flash again (the last time was in October of last year, before we got Unity installed),  all it was however was getting an understanding of how the program works. This was what I threw together with what I could get a hang of.

Aside of the basic text box, shape tools, paint brush and paint bucket tool, the main tools were the animation frames and the ink bottle tool. The ink bottle was to outline objects in the scene to make them standout more and to add to a style.

The way that the timeline works is that each scene has its own timeline with frames. You move the timeline to a frame you want and then move the objects in the scene to wherever to want, the program then does all of the motion for you. Each individual object that is animated has its own section of the timeline. The other point is that the key-frames (represented by dots on the timeline) are points in the animation were

We will work Flash into our work, with our new lecturer. This can also add more coding into our learning. I have made 2 small projects for animation for the assets folder I need to fill.

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