Monday 30 January 2017

Industry Level Task Update

Since last time I have finished the modelling process of the scene. All of the assets that i wanted have been complete. I have been UV unwrapping the model as much as possible and have nearly completed the process. Considering this is most tedious part of creating this scene well their is not much to report on.

However, I have learned a new tool for UV unwrapping. In the UV menu you can select one of these options. Depending on the shape of the object this can save you a lot of time. It unfolds the models UV's in the UV editor. An example is that is the 'Cylindrical' option would unwrap a models polygons for the viewpoint of a cylinder. This is much more time effective than doing a few polygons at a time and sewing them together.

The main issue that I have been having is that some polygons are in a very awkward position with the UV's centred in between an x and y axis.  So the texture may look malformed compared to all of the polygons next to it. The way that I have to deal with this is to individually map out each polygon and sew them on shells of polygons. One more point is that I have been deleting vertices, edges and polygons for two reasons, to reduce my work for the UV unwrapping and because i am required to bake the model after mudbox process onto a low poly model.

My next steps are too finish the UV unwrapping and the texturing process by the beginning of next week.

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