Monday 9 January 2017

Synoptic Project Pitch Reflection

On Wednesday, I presented my synoptic project to my group. I believe that it went over very well, this is a summary of how I did during the presentation, any missed points and the criticisms that I got after it was complete.

The first thing that I did was introduce myself, the project name and project type. Then the idea behind the project and how it evolved, with the addition of factual evidence and reference media (Invasion of the Body Snatchers, They Live and Coraline) . Next came the storyboards and explanation of them all (the only thing that I believed that I missed was the joke about the inception sound effect). The other additions that I made were the moodboard of reference images, ideas for the background soundtrack and the slide for the art style. Something that i missed was more detail concept designs for the audience to look at specifically for 2 creatures that were in the storyboards. I definitely believe I put a lot of effort into speaking the idea to the audience.

The main criticisms that I got afterwards, was that the storyboards that I presented seemed rather disjointed even though I explained them very well and what I wanted from each scene and shot. To rework what I wanted out of the concept of the project to shorten the length of the project, because apparently around 2 minutes might be too much to have in this project because the point for the evaluation is quality over quantity. They praised me for the designs in the storyboards and for the amount of explanation that I gave for each board and their point in the plot. An extra point was that the project that I was pitching sounded like a VR experience, I dd not intend that however, when I think about it, it could be possible. The final criticism was that I did not explain how other people in the group could be part of this project, such as 2D artists, VFX editors and game developers. The main point is the 3d models and animation, other jobs I could make would be the environmental effects for the movement such as dirt flying and having a title card once it has finished and the 2d artists could fill in any backdrops or create more designs.

Everything else it seemed well presented and well done for the presentation. I am happy with how it ultimately turned out, now it is up to the rest of the group to choose if they want to work on it. However I will keep the idea the back of my mind for future recollection.

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